Hospital in Toronto Ontario

When a fire in a downtown hospital and cancer centre contaminated much of the equipment in use there Newtron Group was asked to complete an on-site inspection and to report on the status of the items.

A vast array of equipment was found to have been contaminated by soot, smoke and water. Server racks, including Radiation Control Servers, Web Servers, Citric Servers, a Tape Library, and UPSes, were found to have heavy smoke and soot contamination and the air filters and cooling channels were choked by soot particles.

These servers were still working and in service but the failure of these items due to corrosion was imminent. These were extremely critical pieces of equipment used for treating patients and many of the items were delicate and unique. Because replacement parts would not be available for four to six weeks Newtron Group acted immediately to mitigate the damage in order to keep all the equipment working until replacement parts arrived. Newtron Group also accommodated the hospital by performing the majority of the emergency work after hours when the machines could be powered down.

Immediate clean-up and mitigation work was also launched in the IT department. The insured made it clear that it was imperative the IT computer equipment not fail. In order to ensure that the IT support was not interrupted Newtron Group rotated the computers out for emergency decontamination and supplied loaner equipment to the insured so that the department was not interrupted.

Emergency decontamination and mitigation cleaning was also performed on an Oldeft Simulator with positioning mechanism and bed. This simulator was the centre of much of the research and development taking place at the hospital and it was important for the insured that it be in working order.

Newtron Group preformed the emergency decontamination on-site and then worked with the manufacturer to perform the final testing, calibration and re-certification of the equipment.

Newtron Group also preformed similar emergency decontamination and cleaning in specialized radiation treatment, operating, and therapy rooms as well as on various computer items in order to ensure that the operation of the hospital and treatment of patients was able to continue uninterrupted following the loss.