Television Station In Toronto - Ontario

Following a break-in at a national independent television station, during which the intruder set various small fires, Newtron Group was asked to attend to the scene to assess the damage.

The equipment was not only affected by the soot and smoke but also, as a result of fire fighting measures, fire extinguisher fluent which caused extensive damage in and around the affected areas.

The equipment inspected was located throughout a number of areas on the west side of the building. The majority of the items were located in the On Air Promotions area that consisted of seven audio/video editing suites and various computers. These suites consisted of eight-foot racks that were nineteen inches wide and were fully populated with various audio and video editing equipment.

The Creative Department of the television music station consisted of two editing suites and various desktop and notebook computers. These editing suites were similar to the ones found in the On Air Promotions area.

Also located in this region were multiple televisions that were hung from the ceiling. The last area affected was another Creative Department that consisted of one editing suite and various desktop computers.

Newtron Group's on-site inspection revealed extensive soot, smoke and fluent damage to equipment in the three above-mentioned areas and a thorough decontamination of all the items was recommended to prevent any further damage from occurring and to avoid the potential high cost of replacement in the future.

The insured indicated that the items in the On Air Promotions area and the Creative Department of the music station were first priority. After obtaining approval from the insurance company and the insured Newtron Group began cleaning and decontamination of these items on an emergency basis.

In addition, Newtron Group also worked alongside the Engineering Department of the television station to arrange the functional testing of all the items once the decontamination process was complete.

Newtron Group also arranged for the insured's archived videotapes to be cleaned and restored by an American firm that specializes in these kinds of delicate items. The tapes were saved by the cleaning and returned to the insured in a timely fashion.

As always Newtron Group took the unique needs of the insured and their business into account and tailored the restoration process and other services we provided to fit them while ensuring the continued reliability of their electronic and audio/visual equipment.